What is Zopiclone? What its purpose?

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What is Zopiclone? What its purpose?

Zopiclone is the first representative of a new class of psychotropic drugs, cyclopirrolones, structurally different from benzodiazepines and barbiturates. The sedative-hypnotic effect of Zopiclone online Canada is due to a high degree of affinity for the binding sites on the GABA receptor complex in the central nervous system.

It has a sedative, hypnotic effect, which is due to a high degree of affinity for the binding sites on the GABA receptor complex in the central nervous system. Rapidly induces sleep without decreasing REM sleep in its structure, and then maintains sleep while maintaining the normal phase composition. It does not cause post-somnic disturbances: there is no feeling of weakness and drowsiness in the morning of the next day. A person falls asleep within 30 minutes after taking the drug and the duration of sleep reaches 6-8 hours.


Primary sleep disorders: 

  • difficulty falling asleep
  • night and early awakening
  • transient situational and chronic insomnia

As well as secondary sleep disorders in mental disorders in situations where they significantly worsen the patient’s condition.


For adults, the recommended dose of Zopiclone is 7.5 mg (1 tablet) just before bedtime. The dose may be increased to 2 tablets in patients with severe persistent insomnia. Recommended doses for older people are lower than for young adults and are 3.75 mg. Depending on the effectiveness and tolerability, the dose may be further increased. 

Impaired renal function does not require a dose reduction of Zopiclone online Canada. In patients with severe hepatic impairment, the dose of Zopiclone is 3.75 mg. The duration of the course of the drug should not exceed 4 weeks.


  • hypersensitivity to Zopiclone
  • decompensated respiratory failure
  • children under 15 years of age.


  • «Metallic» taste in the mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • mental disorders (irritability, confusion, depressed mood)
  • allergic reactions (rash). 

On awakening:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • impaired coordination of movements
  • sometimes depressive conditions
  • aggressiveness
  • anterograde amnesia.


Symptoms: drowsiness, lethargy, ataxia, rarely AV block.

Treatment: activated charcoal and gastric lavage for 1 hour after overdose. In the case of severe depression of the central nervous system — flumazenil (do not use in the case of a combined overdose with other drugs and as a diagnostic tool in case of an overdose with unknown drugs to establish or exclude the diagnosis of benzodiazepine intoxication). It is necessary to control vital functions (respiratory, CVS), if necessary, symptomatic therapy.

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Zopiclone enhances the effect of muscle relaxants and depressing psychotropic drugs. The drug somewhat reduces the concentration of trimipramine in the blood serum, which must be taken into account when prescribing them simultaneously, as well as when used with other tricyclic antidepressants.


Due to the possibility of drug dependence development, long-term use can be prescribed by a doctor in exceptional cases. If insomnia does not disappear within 4 weeks, you should inform your doctor. The likelihood of addiction, physical or psychological dependence increases with a violation of the prescribed dosage or duration of treatment for more than 4 weeks.

Cancellation should be carried out gradually, as with an abrupt termination of treatment, a resumption of insomnia, frequent awakenings, headache and muscle pain, anxiety, agitation, distraction, irritability are possible.

Paradoxical reactions are more common in elderly patients. If paradoxical reactions occur, Zopiclone should be canceled.

For the next 24 hours after taking Zopiclone, activities that require increased concentration of attention and quick reaction are not recommended, including driving a car, working with mechanical devices, etc. During the period of treatment with Zopiclone online Canada, you should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages or medicines containing alcohol.

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