What is Sustanon 250?


What is Sustanon 250?

Pharmacological action

Sustanon 250 Canada is an androgenic preparation containing testosterone esters. Testosterone is essential for normal growth and development of male genital organs and secondary sex characteristics. In adult men, it is necessary to maintain libido, general condition, sexual potency, function of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. 

When using Sustanon 250 Canada, there is an increase in the concentration of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, androstenedione in the blood plasma, as well as a decrease in the level of globulin that binds sex steroids. Normalization of the hormonal spectrum is noted in male patients with primary damage to the gonads (hypogonadism) and insufficient production of sex hormones. Testosterone propionate is characterized by its rapid onset and short duration of action. Testosterone phenylpropionate and isocaproate are characterized by a slow onset and long duration of action. Testosterone Decanoate has the slowest onset and longest duration of action. 

Pharmacodynamics Androgenic effects develop rapidly and last for 3 weeks (since the solution contains four testosterone esters, differing in the rate of intake and duration of action). Pharmacokinetics Absorption and metabolism Testosterone esters are hydrolyzed to testosterone before entering the systemic circulation. 

After a single injection, there is an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood plasma up to 70 nmol / L after 24-48 hours with a gradual decrease to the initial values ​​after 21 days. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of androsterone. Excretion It is excreted in the urine, mainly in the form of metabolites.


Hormone replacement therapy: post-castration syndrome, eunuchoidism, hypopituitarism, endocrine impotence, menopausal disorders in men (including decreased libido, mental and physical activity), osteoporosis caused by androgen deficiency.

Method of administration and dosage

Intro-muscular, deep into the muscle. The dosage regimen is selected in accordance with the individual response; as a rule, 1 ml once every 3 weeks.


1 ml of solution of Sustanon 250 Canada contains:

  • testosterone propionate 30 mg
  • testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg
  • testosterone isocapronate 60 mg
  • testosterone decanoate 100 mg
  • the concentration of testosterone per volume unit of the drug is 176 mg/ml
  • Excipients: peanut oil, benzyl alcohol, nitrogen.



  • Carcinoma of the prostate or breast (including the suspect);
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;

With caution: in prepubertal boys to avoid premature closure of bone growth zones and growth retardation and to avoid premature puberty; chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease and kidney failure, liver failure; diabetes mellitus , prostate enlargement and problems with urination; nocturnal apnea syndrome, chronic lung diseases, obesity, childhood.

Special instructions

In the event of androgen-dependent adverse reactions occur, treatment with the drug should be discontinued. After the disappearance of these reactions, treatment is resumed with a lower dose of the drug. Regular medical supervision is necessary for patients with the following diseases: chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, renal dysfunction, epilepsy, migraine. 


In acute overdose, the toxicity of the drug is extremely low. With chronic overdose, priapism may develop. In such a situation, you should stop taking the drug and wait for the disappearance of unwanted symptoms. In the future, continue the course with lower doses.

Side effects

From the endocrine and reproductive systems: priapism and other symptoms of excessive sexual stimulation; in the pre-pubertal period in boys — premature puberty, increased frequency of erection, enlargement of the penis, premature closure of the epiphyses; oligo-spermia and decreased ejaculate volume; sodium and water retention.

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