What is Methandienone (Dianabol)?


What is Methandienone (Dianabol)?

Methandienone (more commonly known as «methane») is a popular anabolic steroid that has gained notoriety as a doping agent for competitive athletes. Of course Dianabol buy in Canada you can perform in TheRoids.ws.

The properties of drug: 

  • enhances the processes of synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates in the body and inhibits their dissimilation (i.e. decay, splitting)
  • promotes an increase in muscle mass 
  • forms a positive nitrogen balance
  • accelerates the breakdown of subcutaneous fat
  • suppress the immune response due to an increase in the synthesis of an inhibitor to the C-1 complement fraction and a decrease in the level of C-2 C-4 fractions complement, when taken regularly, activates the development of secondary sexual characteristics in the male pattern.

History of Methane

The drug has been on the US market since the 50s of the 20th century and became known under the brand name «Dianabol» — tablets of 5 mg. It quickly began to gain popularity in sports medicine as a doping agent. It should be noted that until the end of the 1960s, the drug was not considered doping; only stimulants such as amphetamine, cocaine, ephedrine and their analogues were prohibited for athletes.

It possesses pronounced anabolic and moderate androgenic properties. It is used as a stimulator of protein synthesis, which ensures an increase in muscle size, and its anabolic effect is used in the treatment of fractures and muscle recovery after long-term immobilization, burns, and kidney failure.

Due to the presence of the 17-alkyl group, it is hepatotoxic; with prolonged and significant overdose, it can cause obstructive jaundice caused by overproduction of bile and stretching of the biliary tract. This condition can be accompanied by pain and dyspeptic disorders. In the event of such a syndrome, the treatment is symptomatic and aimed at restoring the passage of bile through the bile ducts. Dianabol buy is contraindicated for people with liver diseases.


Dianabol Indications

  • Cachexia of various etiologies;
  • restoration and increase of protein synthesis, which could be affected in patients with severe injuries and fractures, after surgical interventions, radiation therapy, etc.
  • chronic infectious diseases with protein loss;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy, GCS-induced myopathy;
  • angiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus; 
  • restoration of muscle mass in patients after long-term immobilization due to fractures and injuries;
  • retarded growth of children (Turner syndrome, pituitary dwarfism);
  • delayed sexual and physical development in boys
  • hypoproteinemia with liver damage of various genesis. 

Dianabol buy special instructions

In the course of treatment, systematic monitoring of the concentration of Ca2 + in the blood (especially in patients with breast cancer and in the presence of bone metastases), cholesterol (especially in patients with concomitant CVS pathology), glucose (in patients with diabetes mellitus), hematocrit, Hb, serum concentration is necessary, phosphorus, as well as the functional state of the liver. 

During treatment, it is necessary to receive a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as minerals. If there are signs of masculinization (male hair growth, change in tone of voice) or menstrual cycle disorders, the drug should be discontinued. It is suppressing lactation. Because methandienone accelerates the closure of growth zones in bones in children and adolescents, an X-ray examination every 6 months is recommended for monitoring.

It should be borne in mind that the use of steroid anabolic steroids in elderly patients can contribute to the development of prostatic hyperplasia. In the current era, there is not enough data on the effectiveness of steroidal anabolic steroids in osteoporosis


It enhances the effect of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, insulin and hypoglycemic drugs, as well as the side effects of hepatotoxic drugs. Weakens the effects of STH and its derivatives (accelerates the mineralization of the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones). 

GCS and ISS, corticotropin, Na + -containing drugs and food rich in Na +, increase (mutually) fluid retention in the body, increase the risk of edema, and increase the severity of acne. Dianabol acts synergistically when used simultaneously with nandrolone (19-nortestosterone) preparations.

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