Dianabol: description and properties of the drug


Dianabol: description and properties of the drug

Dianabol is a steroid drug synthesized in the mid-20th century by Dr. John Ziegler. The steroid has been produced since the beginning of the 60s, then the company Ciba was engaged in its production. In the early years of its history, the steroid Dianabol 10mg price was used primarily to accelerate regeneration and treat burn injuries, as well as to tone up the female body. 

Over time, the drug Dianabol became widespread in heavy sports, where it was used and is used today to increase muscle mass.

In practice, it has been proven that the correct course of the drug, lasting about 6 weeks, at a dosage of no more than 30 mg per day, can lead to an increase in muscle mass from 8 to 10 kg. The effect of Dianabol lasts from 6 to 8 hours. Anabolic activity of the drug is equal to 200 percent of testosterone, androgenic — 50 percent of testosterone.

The Dianabol effect is manifested in multiple systems of the human body, but its main effect is on muscle mass. The drug increases their size by increasing protein synthesis in myocytes and glycogenolysis processes. As a result of glycogenolysis, glucose is formed, which is the main energy substrate for muscle cells. The results that Dianabol leads to are amazing, because the drug also increases strength, increases appetite, strengthens the bone structure of the body and causes the effect of burning fats.

Although Dianabol has a relatively weak androgenic effect, compared to testosterone, it should still be used correctly to prevent side effects. First of all, one should be wary of gynecomastia (to prevent this effect, it is recommended to take antiestrogens). In addition, the drug leads to the retention of fluids in the body. 


The fluid accumulates mainly in the muscles, after the course of Dianabol it is excreted, as a result of which the muscle volume decreases by an average of 10 percent. As the reviews say, the side effects that Dianabol exhibits (acne, gynecomastia, liver toxicity, increased blood pressure, etc.) are rare and occur mainly when the recommendations for use are not followed.

Dianabol usage

The use of Dianabol does not require any deep knowledge in medicine from you. However, you will still need some skills. In particular, you need to understand that taking Dianabol is justified if you are over 21 years old and want to gain muscle mass as soon as possible, because the drug has a wide range of contraindications (heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure, and others).

The Dianabol solo course is a permanent scheme that includes the recommended dosages and terms of use. The recommended daily dose of the drug is no more than 30 mg. Dianabol 10mg price tablets are used on an empty stomach in 2-3 doses, for example, once in the morning, the second before lunch, and the third before bedtime. 

The average duration, which corresponds to the course of taking Dianabol, is 6 weeks. At the end of the course, it is recommended to take ancillary drugs such as Tamoxifen.

Instructions for the use of Dianabol in combination with other pharmacological agents: most often the drug is combined with steroids such as testosterone, nandrolone, trenbolone and others. 

In the our website you can find more information on the combined use of this steroid, its dosages and properties. However, it should be noted that it is not recommended to combine more than two drugs with the same mechanism of action during the course.

How and where to buy Dianabol?

In general, if you decide to order Dianabol 10mg price, you will ensure yourself the maximum possible muscle growth with minimal side effects. Yes, this steroid has a negative effect, however, unlike similar drugs, it manifests itself only when the permissible dosages are exceeded. 

If you order Dianabol and use the drug in a dosage of no more than 30 mg, then such consequences as gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, high blood pressure, etc., you will not be afraid.

It is also advantageous to buy Dianabol because the drug is easy to store. The main thing is to hide the tablets from direct sunlight and not expose to temperature extremes. The shelf life of the drug is about 48 months. This is another good reason to buy Dianabol 10mg price tablets, because the steroid will be usable and will not lose its effectiveness for several years.

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