Why are steroids popular among bodybuilders?


Why are steroids popular among bodybuilders?

teroids are very popular among bodybuilders, powerlifters and competitive athletes. Many athletes choose androgenic steroids because of their similarity to testosterone, a natural hormone that the body produces. Steroids used in the treatment of certain diseases are called corticosteroids and do not have an anabolic effect on the male body. Online store TheRoids.ws offer to you a wide choice of different sports pharm drugs and steroids.

In the male body, steroids are produced preferentially in the male gonads, a small amount is produced by the adrenal glands. Testosterone is typically synthesized from cholesterol. The dough, together with the derivatives, begins to affect different parts of the body. It is they who determine the secondary sexual characteristics in the body, such as hair, rough voice, thick skin, and pronounced muscles. Nowadays, you can buy steroids in almost any online store that sells sports pharmacology.

During puberty, a change in hormonal levels begins to appear in the adolescent’s body, and therefore acne, acne, general physical development and a significant increase in the genitals in boys appear. Testosterone plays a huge role in the development of a young body and genitals, in a more mature age the dough also has its effect, but it is no longer as important as during puberty.

Description and action of steroids

In traditional medicine, testosterone is used for the purpose of replacement therapy for reduced function of male gonads, impotence, male menopause and infertility. Testosterone is also used in women in the treatment of uterine bleeding with increased estrogen levels, uterine myoma, and mastopathy. 

The substance is introduced into the body, preferably by injection. Injectable forms of testosterone have a higher safety profile than pills, so they are more often used in practice. Oral forms are characterized by a greater number of side effects, in particular, the effect on liver function.This is caused by the fact that the drug enters the stomach, from there into the intestines, from where it is absorbed into the blood and enters the liver. A high concentration of this substance is formed in the parenchyma of the liver, which is then carried with the blood throughout the organs and systems. 

You can purchase and use steroids both as monotherapy and in combination with other anabolic steroids. There are many pharmacological substances that have an anabolic effect that is much stronger than testosterone.  Among the common drugs are stanozolol, nandrolone, oxymethalone, etc. The chemical composition and biological effect on the body of these substances are similar. All of them retain fluid, sodium, potassium, sulfate in the body, increase muscles after exercise, and also increase libido and aggressiveness.

What about Testosterone?

Testosterone preparations, after entering the body, break the closed system of internal regulation, and therefore act on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. As a result, the hormonal function of the testes and their production of testosterone decreases, and in the future, the development of oligospermia.

Sometimes, after the drugs have already been canceled, the body’s natural functions are not restored. In the presence of high levels of androgens in the body, prostate cancer may develop which progresses very rapidly.


Steroids for gaining mass

Steroid drugs are the most effective for gaining mass, which is why it is simply necessary to buy steroids for those who want to achieve the maximum effect from training, especially if you follow all the rules for taking them. Of course, the athlete will still use the drug in courses recommended by pharmacologists, and not make a food supplement out of it. It is generally accepted that anabolic steroids should be used alone or in combination for 8-12 weeks with the same break between courses. 

Such a technique, if you want to gain a lot and preserve the result as much as possible, has no basis under it, since during a break of 2-3 months, the entire accumulated mass can completely disappear.

The statement that steroids affect the body only in the first 2-3 weeks is false. If this were indeed the case, then the bodybuilding sphere would not develop at all. If you think about the effect of anabolic steroids on the human body, when used correctly, it is not as dangerous as it is sometimes said. If that were true, you would never see professional bodybuilders over 30 alive and active.

Athletes who have been acting masters of sports for a long time almost always use something and, as a rule, their courses are continuous, otherwise they would not have won the title that they already have. Nevertheless, steroid drugs should be used correctly and in no case should they exceed the dosages recommended in each particular case.

Buy steroids 

Before purchasing steroid drugs, it is worth deciding what mistakes make pitching during the use of anabolic steroids. According to experts, many athletes use steroids. According to the data, only 10% of those who take these drugs correctly, the remaining 90% actually expose their health to huge risks. 

This state of affairs is due to the fact that many athletes use drugs not under the supervision of a doctor, but arbitrarily, as they want. It is not right. It is worth noting the most common mistakes athletes make during the use of anabolic steroids. You can buy steroids by placing an order in our online store, with delivery to different countries.

The first, but rather serious reason is the overestimation of the permissible doses of the drug. Many inexperienced pitching workers believe that the more drugs they drink, the more effective and better the effect will be. In fact, this is not the case. The use of high doses is harmful to health and does not increase efficiency compared to normal doses, but the negative effect of high doses on liver and kidney function is well known. There is a high aromatization, as well as a high percentage of suppression of own testosterone.

The doses of steroids allowed by the instructions have a positive effect on weight gain, the excess testosterone will be transformed into estrogens and have a negative effect on the male body.

Instead of conclusion

The validity of the use of a particular drug depends directly on the relationship between benefits and side effects. The fact is that there are no safe medicines. Regular Paracetamol can cause severe poisoning, and aspirin can cause allergies and rashes. Any medication causes side effects, in most cases it all depends on the wrong dosage or too long use.

Nevertheless, many medications can save a person’s life when it is really needed. Based on this, it is necessary to balance between benefits and possible harm. Steroids can cause minimal or no side effects in the body if used correctly.

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